Valentine’s Day special

It is always amazing how our rowers found CHAOS Rowing.

The most recent story: she (female, athletic, smart, tall) looks at profiles on a dating site. Sees a guy in a rowing shell. She pings him: “do you row?” He answers: “not really, that was the outing in the Stampfli Express with CHAOS Rowing on Jordan Lake”. It didn’t work out between the two of them, but she now rows with us. His loss – our gain.

I know of 5 members on the dating circle, 4 female, one male. All smart, independent, well educated, reliable, fun to be around with, strong, witty, and willing to push their body and themselves to the limit. We wonder why they are still single. But then: they blame us by holding up their ring-less fingers. Having to row with us old farts Saturday 7 AM and Sunday 8 AM does not really help them with their dating schedule …

Therefore: CHAOS is accepting membership applications from 4 skilled single male rowers and one skilled single female rower. Must match the characteristics and enthusiasm of our current single members.

Call it our Valentine’s Day special.

Hope to see you on the water - soon!

PS: It was too cold (27F) and too windy (>10 MPH) to row today.

So we (not only the old farts) are on the erg facing the CHAOS Winter Challenge rowing up the Nile. The goal for the weekend (Luxor, drinks at pool bar of the Steigenberger hotel) seems to be far, very far away. Just boring dates – date tree plantations that is - on both sides of the river.