Dead of Winter? Up 300%!

A year ago, below freezing rowing attendance was: 2 rowers in a 2x. Yesterday it was 6 rowers - a rather fast 4x (see chart) and 2 singles.

Conditions were: 27 F, no wind. mirror water. 10 mile outing - everybody raking up miles for the Chaos Winter Challenge - we made it to Beni Suef (with the exception of Becka who chills in Cairo).

Hot tea helped to warm the fingers so we could get the icew of the boat before we put the cover back on.

Today was warmer - 47 F but windy - felt almost colder. Had a 4x and a 2x out,

Took a local journalist for a spin. She plans to write an article about CHAOS Rowing for the Jordan Lake sports guide. We are looking forward to it.

See you next week!!!!!!!!!!!!