How to Become Part of CHaOS
We are a small club, so having the right members is a matter of survival. “Right members” contribute on and off the water, aim to become better rowers, are ready to support others in their quest for the perfect stroke (irrespective of their starting point), will show initiative and contribute where is needed, and make CHaOS Rowing a better club for all members.
If you have rowing experience and are interested in rowing with us, please fill in the contact form.
You will be contacted and invited to join our practices.
Row with us! You will see us on our good and bad days, in good and terrible weather, after great rows and after 90 minutes of misery.
If you decide that CHaOS Rowing is right for you, you may apply for membership.
Beginners / Learn to Row
As a club, CHaOS Rowing is too small to offer learn to row programs.
CHaOS Membership Tiers
Full members $550: access to a great rowing lake that is open 24/7 (we host a full moon marathon row), high-end boat use, can have guests, full member benefits such as (but not limited to) defining the future of RowNC/ CHaOS, all social gatherings and events such as the marathon, race organization and logistics, trailer use, CHaOS data analysis tool, sculling lessons, technique feedback, Yoga for Rowers, and advice on what videos or webinars to watch, or rowing machine to buy & (G)Rowing News subscription.
Associate members $275: members of another club or students, unlimited rows, cannot take club boats out alone without prior permission, cannot have guests, benefit from all other member benefits.
Friends of CHaOS $175: up to 3 rows per year in club boats, cannot have guests, entitled to all other membership privileges, can be converted into a full membership at any time, cannot have a private boat on the racks at Crosswinds.
Guests $100: after initial 3 free rows, before moving up to one of the other membership tiers, maximum 6 months, one-time offer.
Everybody welcome!