1x Novices Graduated

Mighty proud of our CHaOS 1x Novices who all graduated with honors

Mighty proud of our CHaOS 1x Novices who all graduated with honors

In July, CHaOS faced the challenge to either hibernate for the pandemic or transition all our (die hard) big boat rowers into the 1x. 12 rowers accepted the challenge.

In true CHaOS style, we developed a plan called “Get wet => Relax!!! => Row fast” - described in detail in this Riverside Chat Webinar - thank you Jessica. For once, the best plan did not end in chaos.

We defined the criteria for success (= graduation) to be consistency: can rowers average 12 meters per stroke at rate 12?

Challenge was: 720 meters in 60 strokes.

All 12 novices ACED this test. CONGRATULATIONS!

Here is just one example, W1x: average of 13.9 meters per stroke at rate 12 - total of 834 meters:


Of course, there also was the more macho like criteria: can they race in challenging conditions.

At the Lake Wheeler scrimmage the odds were staked against them - unknown territory, all slower rowers started ahead of them so that they had to row through them, two 180 degree turns in the course.

They did well. Brian even won - almost maintaining speed on the headwind stretch- not bad for a guy who had his first outing in a 1x three months ago:

brian race.png

The dips in rate are other rowers overtaken - means all of the novice now have to learn to row with mirrors - or at least look on the drive rather than the finish.

The CHaOS plan for the winter: work on rhythm to get 13 meters per stroke at rate 13 (and maybe 14 at 14).

Hope to see you on the water soon!